What is WIC?
WIC stands for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. It is a federal assistance program in the United States that provides nutritious food, nutrition education, and support to pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and young children up to the age of five who are considered to be at nutritional risk. In order to qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Income Requirement
Applicants must meet income guidelines set by their state agency. These guidelines consider the size of the household and the household's gross income before taxes. In addition, participation in select programs will automatically qualify you. If you are eligible to receive SNAP benefits, Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, you may automatically satisfy the income requirement. If you need extra cash, this site pays up to $25 per survey.
Nutritional Risk Requirement
In order to qualify, participants must be assessed to be at nutritional risk by a health professional. You can visit a WIC clinic for a cost-free assessment or obtain an assessment from your personal health provider. You must have at least one of the medical or dietary conditions listed in your state’s WIC guidelines. These include anemia, history of poor pregnancy outcome, medical conditions that affect nutritional status, or poor diet.
Categorical Requirement
Applicants must be in one of the following categories: pregnant women, breastfeeding women (up to one year after delivery), postpartum women (up to six months after delivery), infants, or children up to the age of five.
Residency Requirement
Applicants must apply for WIC in the state they reside in. You must be a U.S. citizen or a legal immigrant in order to meet this requirement. Your state WIC guidelines may require you to apply at a WIC clinic that serves your local area.
End Note
WIC is a means tested program, which means that its benefits are intended for individuals and families with limited income. If qualified, WIC will provide you with nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and infant formula. Requirements and benefits vary from state to state, so contact your local office for current information on eligibility and application procedures. You can also utilize the WIC prescreening tool on the USDA’s website in order to determine if you are likely to qualify. This program can significantly lesson the financial burden of buying groceries, so don’t neglect to check your eligibility.